The future will blogged.
Wow. I made it...
I made it into the blogosphere. It’s kinda like I thought it would be, warm, dark, a little dry…
I left about three days ago, on my journey to the world of blogs, but I have had the trip planned for about a month. It began when I tried to think of some sort of concept for this blog-to-be, which of course would start with a name. I was watching either The Simpsons or The Family Guy (sadly, it could also have been American Dad - ugh!) one evening. There was a political rally going on and one of the crowd people had a sign that read "Yay! Everything's not terrible!!!" with a smiley face, and they were cheering and everything. And so I thought to myself; self, that's pretty funny, and it would sound good in big letters on the internet!! I quickly wrote it in notepad on my desktop, and there it sat, collecting screen dust until three days ago when I started to try figure out how to use this thing.
Believe it not, despite my one year of computer science at Carleton U., where the "K" stands for "quality" (I jest, I jest, I love my alma matter) I really don't know a thing about the internet or websites. I've actually never had one of my own, and despite how "neat" this one looks (with the black background - for that special internet mood) I don't think I'll be adding "web site wizard" or "internet connoisseur" to my resume anytime soon.
Nonetheless, here I am. And what am I going to do? Probably just yammer on to those few who are interested. I'd like to dabble in reviewing movies and maybe a book or two – possibly music as well. The world needs more critics!
So that's it for my first ever foray into DIY internet publishing. I hope I've amused someone.
The only thing that will be terrible is this blog if you don't update it!
I like the first post.
Posted by Anonymous | Friday, October 21, 2005
Hi D., Neat blog dude. PA
Posted by Anonymous | Friday, October 21, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by Anonymous | Monday, October 24, 2005