Monday, October 31

A short entry about hockey

My short blog entry about hockey is going to start with a ‘shout-out’ to the random people who have decided to post comments. You guys rule – for the most part. I do have to take issue with you all on one thing. While I agree that “cabs rule”, which is mainly due to their tendency to take you and up to four (five if you get a nice driver) of your drunk friends home, the comments about the Habs are unfounded lies.


Blogging about hockey is not something I plan to do very often. I only watch about one game a week, if I am lucky. I grew up in a hockey town, but only played on pavement, and I’ve only been to see two games live. But I will allow myself to defend my team’s honour just this once.

From a very young age, Montreal has been my team. I think it was because my very bestest friend at the time (who is still a good friend, although slightly estranged) told me they were the best, and I believed him. These days, thanks to my amazing faculties of logical thinking and whatnot, I am able to tell you that they are the most successful team in NHL history, and the most storied. I am sure that somewhere in the great wide web, there is someone who has compiled it all and I say “hooray for them”.

They have won the Cup twice in my lifetime, and I watched them win the latter of the two live on TV. I actually helped them win. Without my authentic Roy jersey, my Montreal boxers, and my Habs mini-stick, they would never have won all of those overtime games. Never. I really felt slighted when they didn’t invite me to the parade.

The last thing that I will point out about Les glorieux is that they have won a cup every decade. They will be turning 100 in 2009, and they will win their 25th Stanley Cup in that year. In three years, all of their great rookies will be in their prime, and their current stars will be grisly veterans. Think about that for a second. Leaf fans, who haven’t seen a cup since ’67, or the Senators who haven’t been able to bring it home yet (in their new incarnation). The Habs have won a cup almost every four years for one hundred years.

That’s a lot of cups.

Well, that’s about all I have to say about hockey for now. I don’t think I’ve changed any minds, but I hope I’ve pissed off some of those damned cocky Leafs fans. And don’t get me started on Sens fans!

Tuesday, October 25

Paul and Me

The great thing about having a new blog is that you have a stockpile of stories that you can draw from, and you don't always have to talk about what you did today.

So this is Motoki. He's been to most of the corners of the world and met some interesting people.

He's an adventurer.

One evening, about a month and a half ago, Motoki and me decided to visit Paul's house. Paul's this guy who has a big house, talks a lot, works in that big fancy building downtown... you might know him too.

Motoki and me had never been to a place like this. It had free booze and montreal smoked meat from this random restaurant and everything. And some good conversation.

Anyway , Motoki wanted to get a picture with Paul, so I had to stay until the crowds cleared out before we got a chance. But I was glad we did. The beer was good.

So we left, and took a cab home because, shit, we had just been to Paul's house, and damned if we were going to ride the bus!

So that about sums up the evening - besides all the stuff that could get anyone fired.


On a side note, I'd like to say that I'm very happy with this blog thing. It lets me write to myself, and to others (with no extra effort!). I appreciate the feedback.


Sunday, October 16

The future will blogged.

Wow. I made it...

I made it into the blogosphere. It’s kinda like I thought it would be, warm, dark, a little dry…

I left about three days ago, on my journey to the world of blogs, but I have had the trip planned for about a month. It began when I tried to think of some sort of concept for this blog-to-be, which of course would start with a name. I was watching either The Simpsons or The Family Guy (sadly, it could also have been American Dad - ugh!) one evening. There was a political rally going on and one of the crowd people had a sign that read "Yay! Everything's not terrible!!!" with a smiley face, and they were cheering and everything. And so I thought to myself; self, that's pretty funny, and it would sound good in big letters on the internet!! I quickly wrote it in notepad on my desktop, and there it sat, collecting screen dust until three days ago when I started to try figure out how to use this thing.

Believe it not, despite my one year of computer science at Carleton U., where the "K" stands for "quality" (I jest, I jest, I love my alma matter) I really don't know a thing about the internet or websites. I've actually never had one of my own, and despite how "neat" this one looks (with the black background - for that special internet mood) I don't think I'll be adding "web site wizard" or "internet connoisseur" to my resume anytime soon.

Nonetheless, here I am. And what am I going to do? Probably just yammer on to those few who are interested. I'd like to dabble in reviewing movies and maybe a book or two – possibly music as well. The world needs more critics!

So that's it for my first ever foray into DIY internet publishing. I hope I've amused someone.


Blogs from people I actually know in the outside world!

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