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Paul and Me

The great thing about having a new blog is that you have a stockpile of stories that you can draw from, and you don't always have to talk about what you did today.

So this is Motoki. He's been to most of the corners of the world and met some interesting people.

He's an adventurer.

One evening, about a month and a half ago, Motoki and me decided to visit Paul's house. Paul's this guy who has a big house, talks a lot, works in that big fancy building downtown... you might know him too.

Motoki and me had never been to a place like this. It had free booze and montreal smoked meat from this random restaurant and everything. And some good conversation.

Anyway , Motoki wanted to get a picture with Paul, so I had to stay until the crowds cleared out before we got a chance. But I was glad we did. The beer was good.

So we left, and took a cab home because, shit, we had just been to Paul's house, and damned if we were going to ride the bus!

So that about sums up the evening - besides all the stuff that could get anyone fired.


On a side note, I'd like to say that I'm very happy with this blog thing. It lets me write to myself, and to others (with no extra effort!). I appreciate the feedback.


Is Motoki Japanese?

If so, was he born in Japan or is he a naturalized Canadian?

Paolo F.

Ha! I like it!
Cabs Rule! Not Habs.

Go Cabs Boo Habs!

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