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Day One of IMOK - The first setback

Well, the first day of the International Month of K (IMOK) went off without a hitch, which is to say that I didn't screw anything up. Unfortunately, K's immune system had other ideas. Dancing and bronchitis don't mix, so the first day's present (dancing lessons) has been rescheduled.

Luckily for me, however, my month long plan is very flexible (for the most part! Get better soon, K!) so adaptation was easy. Instead, we went to the Elgin Street Diner for comfort food. The Elgin Street Diner, for those of you who are not from Ottawa, or are hermits, is the best diner is the city. Better than Zack's (too '50s!!), better than Nickels (too Céline!), and so on.

The great thing about K is how gracious she is. I will be the first to admit that I've had my share of missteps in this relationship. Allow me to give you an example:

Our birthdays are one day apart, K being a few hours older (and many years wiser) than myself. The first year that we actually were in the same country to celebrate our birthdays, K said "Let's forget it, we're both students and poor and our presents would just cancel each other out" to which I replied "okay". Of course, the day that we celebrated our days comes, and K gives me a present. I had nothing, as per our previous agreement.
I learned a couple of valuable lessons that day:

1. Always do the opposite of what a girl says.

2. Always give a present, especially if you are in doubt!

I am trying to apply both of those lessons this month. In an ideal world, I would have a closet full of presents ready to give to K every day, but alas, even I can’t think of that many gifts.

So day two is ahead, as well as lots of chicken soup, tea, and Vicks Vapo-rub. It's going to be a great month.
