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Day Two of IMOK – Back on track

Well, day two of IMOK went off without a hitch. Yesterday’s gift was a replacement for the recently broken French coffee press that has become integral to the morning routine in our apartment.

Coffee is a weird thing. I am not, nor do I ever plan to be, one of those “low fat, soy, double stuffed, whipped half-and-half, non-partisan latte, please” people. Before the French press, I was a “large double-double” person, maybe the odd cappuccino from Starbuck’s, but largely a meat-and-potato coffee drinker. I have had lots of warning of the ill effects of coffee – mostly from my former and presently estranged roommate, The White Lightning, who would drink three EXTRA LARGE TRIPLE TRIPLES a day. If he missed one scheduled coffee time, he would become a nervous wreck. It was funny to watch, and even funnier on the days when he would pull an all-nighter to finish an assignment, and would run out of his room at 8:00am, on no sleep and 10 cups of coffee and attempt to make it class before his body gave up on him.

K, on the other hand, is a relative coffee neophyte. I think she only really started drinking it when she began working for the feds here in Ottawa, which makes perfect sense. Somehow, she managed to survive five years of school, all in dorm rooms, often hung-over, without becoming reliant on coffee. An amazing feat for any student.

I have dealt with my own coffee addictions, and have decided that moderation is the key (as with anything, good or bad). The benefits of coffee (great taste, warmth, alertness, some medical mumbo-jumbo – probably) are too good to pass up. So join K and I in our morning coffee ritual or create your own. Just keep it to fewer than 3 extra large cups a day, and you’ll be fine.
