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Days Three through Eight of IMOK – Tempus Fugit

For those keeping score, K has gotten eight gifts so far. Even though I’ve already acquired most of the remaining IMOK gifts, the scope of the task is starting to become clear.

But I was thinking yesterday on my way to get gifts number ten and sixteen that K, through no fault or direct purpose, gives me at least one gift idea every day. If I wrote them all down in the wallet-sized spiral pad I’ve taken to carrying in my back pocket, I would be able to start the International Lifetime Celebration of K as early as next year, which would then start a chain reaction that would allow me to constantly get her presents. I would have to hire an assistant and an executive vice-president in charge of wrapping to handle the workload.

But that would be ridiculous. What would I do for Christmas and her birthday and May two-four? How would I reconcile the difference between an occasion and a regular day? Not get her a gift? Yeah, let’s see how that flies! No, the only logical choice here is to keep the month as is for the time being, which is pretty great as far as I’m concerned. I think K is of the same opinion.
