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Thumbs up!

Pre-script: This post is a little bit dated. I began it shortly after the election, but put in on the shelf because I am a fantastic procrastinator. I thought now would be a good time to resurrect it, for reasons that will become clear very soon.

As you know, unless you are still in denial or in outer-space, we’ve just elected a new Prime Minister, and he’s from Calgary. Here are a bunch of recent (and some really old) pictures of our new PM. Now, despite this impressive collection of mug-shots, I am not a Harper-booster. I just googled him. Really.

Now this is a series of photos of my good friend J. who is also from the West.

Even though I’ve only been once, and don’t remember too much, I love the West. I don’t think I’ve met a bad seed from that wonderful region of Canada. One of the reasons I love people from the West is because they are so damned cheerful and friendly and easy going. The same goes for people in the East – but that is another story. Having lived my whole life in Ontario (in Barrie, Sudbury, and Ottawa), I have become accustomed to our habit of being a bit cold, unconversational, and reserved. I rarely wave at other cars that let me cut in. I’ve never invited someone I’ve recently met over for Thanksgiving dinner. I don’t remember the last time I had a friendly chat with someone waiting in line with me at the video store. Apparently, outside of Ontario, these are regular occurrences. Of course, these do seem like fairly obvious things to do on a regular basis, but they have somehow escaped the collective consciousness of my central-Canadian brethren, and that is to our shame. So to me, and everyone like me, get on the ball.

But I digress.

I’m not one to lump everyone from the West together in a big heap, but it occurred to me that there was a curious similarity between J. and the PM’s pose. I’ll give you a hint – check out their thumbs. They are up! All of them! I’ve never met our new PM, and I’m sure that he doesn’t have his thumb up all the time, but if he’s giving the thumbs-up to people while he is being sworn in, he must be a regular thumber.

J has never had a picture taken of him without his thumb being featured prominently. I think it is an awesome trademark. Thumbers are a rare breed, and should be congratulated. They are like someone who can wear a mullet or converse high-tops, someone who can sing Billy Idol tunes or listen to Winger in their yellow mustang. Someone who has enough confidence to make himself the centre of the picture by flashing that big thumb. Obviously, when applied to our PM, this theory retains less water than Swiss cheese. In fact, the only reason I brought Harper into this is to postulate that there might be some connection to the West and the Thumb. And while that may be, I think more research is needed. Someone should write a paper on it, maybe.

Soon, there will be another thumber in this world. J. and W. are about to be parents, and while they’ve practiced and prepared with three cats and a dog, I’m sure that they are about to go the craziest adventure of their lives. J. is particularly excited, and I am excited for him. In a recent email, me told me that waiting for fatherhood was akin to waiting for Christmas. You know there’s something there, and you kinda know what it is, but you are sure that it will be a fantastic surprise.

Whatever the surprise is, I’m sure it will be worthy of a big thumbs up.

Congratulations, J & W.
